About Lovima®
Lovima®, hailed as a major breakthrough in women’s health, was one of the first daily contraception pills to be made available to buy over the counter without a prescription.
Lovima® is a progestogen-only contraception pill used to prevent pregnancy, also known as a mini-pill or ‘POP’. Lovima® contains 75 micrograms of desogestrel, and when used correctly, is up to 99% effective.
It works to prevent pregnancy by stopping an egg from being released, also known as ovulation, whilst also thickening the cervical mucus, making it harder for sperm to travel through to the uterus.
49% of women face barriers to contraception access
Meeting an unmet need
Research commissioned by Lovima® found that almost three quarters (70%) of women who have used contraception agree the contraceptive pill should be easier to get hold of and more widely available. The survey, which questioned 1,009 women in the UK aged 18-55, also found that nearly half (48%) would be deterred from getting contraception because it's difficult or too time consuming or because it's inconvenient to get a GP or sexual health clinic appointment. Nearly half (44%) said they would be willing to pay to get the contraception they need more quickly and easily.
Lovima® is available to buy from Boots and Superdrug pharmacies or can be bought direct via the Lovima direct-to-consumer website.